Knock Knock Knocking on EhDoor (The Curious Case of an EPS file)
INTRODUCTION This all started with the great analysis and blog done by RSA in August 2017 about a phishing wave targeting Russian Banks. This was followed by another great blog by McAfee on the same subject but my focus will be on a specific aspect mentioned in the RSA blog which is the exploit used. “FireEye discovered a malicious docx exploiting a zero day vulnerability in Microsoft’s Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) filter, in the summer of 2015. This EPS exploit was assigned CVE-2015-2545. In March 2017, FireEye observed both nation state and financially motivated actors using EPS zero day exploits assigned as CVE-2017-0261 and CVE-2017-0262, prior to Microsoft disabling EPS rendering in its Office products with an update in April 2017.” PART 1 - ADDITIONAL SAMPLE RELATED TO THE PHISHING CAMPAIGN. One thing I took from the analysis done on the samples from the RSA blog was the name of the EPS file which was “image1.eps”. If you take that and search it, one of the results ha...